序号 |
论文名称 |
发表时间 |
1 |
功利主义视野中公共行政的行动逻辑 |
2020.05 |
2 |
Factors affecting farmland rental in rural China: Evidence of capitalization of Grain Subsidy Payments |
2020.01 |
3 |
Estimating Urban Vegetation Biomass from Sentinel‐2A Image Data |
2020.01 |
4 |
欧洲大学学术治理的结构嬗变与制度逻辑 |
2020.09 |
5 |
An empirical study of the factors influencing the willingness to implement green coal logistics in China |
2020.02 |
6 |
Cross-city spillovers in Chinese housing markets: From a city network perspective |
2020.08 |
7 |
The Sexual Abuse and Neglect of "Left-behind" Children in Rural China |
2020.07 |
8 |
网络社群对公共政策执行的积极影响及优化策略 |
2020.11 |
9 |
新时代中国城市土地集约利用若干问题的再认识 |
2020.11 |
10 |
社会支持体系对大学生公益创业意愿的影响研究——基于创业者网络关系的视角 |
2020.09 |
11 |
地方政府数据治理绩效及其提升 |
2020.07 |
12 |
网络社群声誉激励机制对公共决策的影响及治理 |
2020.11 |
13 |
中国高校教师职称晋升制度变迁的轨迹及逻辑——基于历史制度主义的视角 |
2020.03 |
14 |
日本技术预见方法演进及设计机制研究——基于康德拉季耶夫长波时代特征的划分 |
2020.03 |
15 |
公共安全管理的历史变迁考察 |
2020.12 |
16 |
Market-oriented agriculture and farm performance: evidence from rural China |
2021.01 |
17 |
私密还是透明:智慧社会的隐私困境及其治理 |
2021.01 |
18 |
网络社群民粹主义话语的风险溢出及其智慧治理研究 |
2021.05 |
19 |
The Natural and Socioeconomic Influences on Land-Use Intensity: Evidence from China |
2021.11 |
20 |
Identifying Urban Poverty Using High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Machine Learning Approaches: Implications for Housing Inequality |
2021.06 |
21 |
基于政策合法性视角的公共政策有效落地分析——以设施农业政策在优成农场的落地为例 |
2021.01 |
22 |
Impact of globalization, institutional quality, economic growth, electricity and renewable energy consumption on Carbon Dioxide Emission in OECD countries |
2021.12 |
23 |
Evaluation of the accessible urban public green space at the community-scale with the consideration of temporal accessibility and quality |
2021.11 |
24 |
Assessing the Urban Eco-Environmental Quality by the Remote-Sensing Ecological Index: Application to Tianjin,North China |
2021.07 |
25 |
学科评估指标体系:从理论建构到实践审思 |
2021.04 |
26 |
高校基层党组织组织力提升的影响因素研究——基于20个案例的模糊集定性比较分析 |
2021.02 |
27 |
迈向富有韧性的社区治理研究 |
2021.12 |
28 |
高校学院学术治理规制的“失灵”与理性复归 |
2021.05 |
29 |
试点改革的运作逻辑与政策化路径——以五轮农村集体产权制度改革试点为例 |
2021.07 |
30 |
基于炒作周期曲线的新兴技术态势及政策系统供给研究 |
2021.03 |